Be part of the growing Kingston Farmers Market community!

Become a friend of the market with a donation anywhere from $1 to $500. We’ve made it easy to become a friend of the market. If you choose, you can also be listed as a Friend of the Market!

Organizations + Businesses
Become a sponsor of the market, with donations starting at $250. In addition to us telling the community that our sponsors are awesome, our sponsors receive value in terms of merch and market dollars.

We are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit that brings thousands of people together with dozens of local farmers and vendors in Uptown Kingston.
Sponsor contributions allow us to:
Promote and grow the market audience
Support our food access programs that bring local farm fresh produce to everyone
Pay for staff, insurance and assorted fees
Pay for Music and other community programming
If you can’t provide financial support, we also need volunteers. If you have a pair of hands that you can provide on market Saturdays, sign up here and we’ll email you to set something up.